I am writing this blog about intuition and spirit guides. There is a difference between the two.
They are both very important and can bring huge benefits to your life.
Our intuition is our inner voice. It is unique to you.
Nearly everyone has experienced a gut feeling — that unconscious reasoning that leads us to do something without telling us why or how.
The main thing that distinguishes intuitive people is that they listen to, rather than ignore, the guidance of their intuitions and gut feelings.
For me, intuition is listening to your inner voice. It comes from your heart and soul. It is like your inner navigation system and will never lead you astray.
We also have the ability to connect to our spirit guides. They can bring you clarity and guidance when perhaps you are unsure of your intuition. Their perspective is the highest there is- divine guidance.
Some spirit guides will stay with you throughout your entire life, and others will pop in every now and again to help you with specific areas of your life or goals you are trying to achieve. These guides are at varying levels of consciousness themselves.
They are your cheerleaders. They offer non- judgmental guidance. Their main message is that life on Earth is meant to be full of joy, and it can be, once we start living a heart-led life.
By living from the heart, whether it be as a result of following your intuition or the guidance from your guides, you will be honest with yourself which leads you to being your most authentic self and you will then find your true life purpose. Once we are living our lives truthfully we can achieve anything.
So, let my spirit guides explain how they think intuition and your spirit guides can help you. They even suggest how you can connect.
If you want to develop your intuition or your relationship with your spirit guides, then please get in touch.