Intuitive Coaching

Embark on a journey of deep healing and transformation

‘The Universe is not punishing you or blessing you, the Universe is responding to the vibrational attitude that you are emitting.’

– Abraham Hicks

We are all made up of energetic frequency and everything we desire is on the other side of fear.

However in the busy world that we find ourselves in there is little space to connect to our higher selves, as from a young age are encouraged to use the logical side of our brain (left hand side).  We have the ability to reach a higher consciousness which knows far more than our tiny minds could ever imagine.  We have turned our backs on this for far too long.  Now is the time to access this potent cosmic energy and wake up.

Are you ready to embark on a journey of deep healing and transformation?

Together, and with the insight of my Spirit Guides, we’ll explore the options and decide on the best approach for your unique needs.


During our initial session, we’ll explore your goals, challenges, and areas of focus.  This can be centred around your personal life or your business life and often the two are intertwined.

There are various options available to you and we may choose to use a combination, depending on what you wish to achieve.


Transformational Intuitive Coaching & Healing

Experience the power of intuitive coaching and healing to unlock your potential and align with your true purpose. Through one to one sessions, we’ll address your challenges, release energetic blockages, and work towards cultivating joy, peace, and fulfilment in your life.  I will access the wisdom of my spirit guides and channel your guidance whether it be for business or in personal matters. You will be shown how to align with your soul’s purpose and how to shift your life to where it is meant to be.


Akashic Code

It may well be that we will need to access your Akashic records for the best way forward. Through accessing your Akashic Records, we uncover the energetic patterns and blocks that are holding you back so that you can move forward with more ease and activate your soul’s purpose. Some of these blocks maybe from a past life or be ancestral. This session provides insights and healing that align with your current journey.


Galactic Code

Connect with the wisdom of the cosmos and your Galactic Guides in a ‘Galactic Code Activation Session’. This session involves Diamond light healing, visualisation, and meeting your Galactic Guides and Council to activate your soul’s purpose and align with universal energies, so that you can connect on a deeper level to your higher soul calling.

No matter which option we choose, you can expect:

  • Emotional healing and release of past traumas
  • Connection with your Spirit guides and intuition
  • Strategies to overcome worries and fears
  • Strategies to cultivate happiness and inner peace
  • To embrace your uniqueness and speaking your truth
  • To find clarity and confidence to pursue your dreams
  • To improve overall well-being, both physically and emotionally
  • Step into the next level of your business (and maintain it)
  • Move out of your own way and grow your business in line with your potential
  • Access your purpose in an aligned way
  • Reach your soul led clients and tribe that you are here to serve unapologetically


Your path to transformation is unique, and together, we’ll discover the approach that resonates most with you. Let’s connect and start your journey toward a life filled with joy, purpose, and abundance.

1 SESSION = £120

I recommend a package of all 3 session for optimal transformation and growth – 3 sessions = £300


I had an amazing session with Olwen & her guides. I feel so much lighter and met some of my guides for the first time. I feel like I have woken up if that makes any sense at all. I would highly recommend having a session”


If you are contemplating a divorce or separation and you just don’t know where to start, book a Divorce Empowerment session with me where we will discover what you need in terms of support so you can feel clearer as to what your next steps can be.

Contact Olwen

Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to discuss any of my services.

I look forward to hearing from you.